ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস

Periods of English Literature:
1. Anglo-Sanox / Old English Period 450-1066
2. Middle English Period. 1066-1500
a) Anglo Nonman Period. 1066-1350
b) The Age of Chaucer. 1350-1400
c) Barren Age. 1400-1485
3. The Renaissance 1500-1660
a) Preparation for the Renaissance. 1500-1558
b) Elizabethan Age. 1558-1603
c) Jacobean Age. 1603-1625
d) Caroline Age 1625-1649
e) Common Wealth Period 1649-1660
4. The Neoclassical Period 1660-1798
a) The Restoration Period. 1660-1700
b) The Augustan Age. 1700-1745
c) The Age of Sensibility. 1745-1798
5. The Romantic Period 1798-1832
6. The Victorian Period 1832-1901
7. The Modern Period. 1901-1939
8. Postmodernism. 1945-

Father of English Novel: Henry Fielding.
Father of English Poem: Geoffery Chaucer
Poet of poets: Edmund Spenser
Famous mock-heroic poet in English literature: AlexanderPope.
English ‘Epic’ poet: John Milton
Both a poet and painter: Blake
The poet of nature in English literature: William Wordsworth
Poet of beauty in English literature: Johan Keats
Rebel poet in English Literature:Lord Byron
Father of Modern English literature: G.B.Shaw

About ইমরান

ইমরান হোসেন। প্রশ্ন ব্যাংক এর এডমিন, প্রতিযোগীতার এই যুগে পড়াশুনা হয়ে উঠুক অনলাইন ভিত্তিক। আপনাদের দোয়া ও সহয়োগীতা একান্ত কাম্য।

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